Description | Lime Fertilizer Salt Herbicide Seed Production
This building accepts silage, water, stone, wheat, barley, soybean, corn, and will produce lime, solid fertilizer, road salt, herbiced, and seed.
This building will accept pallets however does not produce pallets.
This building will accept silage bales however it will not produce a bale back. It will need to be loaded in to a trailer that accepts silage.
All input or output product can be loaded to any tool that is compatible with such product.
Production - Factories
Price: $80,000
Daily Maintenance: $30/day
Input - Stone
Output - Lime 75,000L per hour
Solid Fertilizer
Input - Silage
Output - Fertilizer 75,000L per hour
Output - Digestate 750L per hour
Road Salt
Input - Stone
Output Road Salt 75,000L per hour
Input - Road Salt 1.5L
Input - Water 6.0L
Output - Herbicide 75,000L per hour
Input - Fertilizer 5L
Input - Wheat 5,000L
Output - Seeds 50,000L per hour
Input - Fertilizer 5L
Input - Barley 5,000L
Output - Seeds 50,000L per hour
Input - Fertilizer 5L
Input - Oat 5,000L
Output - Seeds 50,000L per hour
Input - Fertilizer 5L
Input - Soybeans 5,000L
Output - Seeds 50,000L per hour
Input - Fertilizer 5L
Input - Corn 5,000L
Output - Seeds 50,000L per hour
All product 750,000L